November 2004 
Volume 03, Issue 7 
Special Features

Publisher: Tod Hullin
Editorial director: Jo Anne Davis
Editor: Paul Proctor
Managing editor: Junu Kim
Art director: Jamey Fry
Copy editor: Walter Polt
Contributing writers: Karen Fincutter, Karen Lareau, Cynthia Pulham, Ruth Savolaine
Cover photo: Bob Ferguson

We designed this special section to provide insight into some of the pay, benefits, career development and worklife programs at Boeing. It doesn't provide an exhaustive listing, since some Boeing locations and employee groups have specialized programs. If you have questions about benefits, log on to and click the TotalAccess tab, then go to TotalAccess Services. Or call toll-free 1-866-473-2016 (TTY/TDD 1-800-755-6363). If you have any feedback on this publication, please send it to



Seize the match; shape your future

2005 focus: Common processes


Building a winning team

'Partners in prosperity'


PE is a priority

When talking shop pays off

PDP for ongoing development


Charting your own career development course

EIP dollars help fund a tour of colleges

Health Care

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Prescriptions: a double-edged sword


A feel-good story

Restoring hope


A big item for your 'to do' list

4 reasons to start saving today


How well do you know your terms?

By the Numbers

This booklet summarizes a variety of pay policy and benefit details. Every effort has been made to provide accurate information, but in the event of a conflict between this booklet and the official plan documents or policies, the terms of the plans and policies will control. Although the company intends to continue these benefit plans and pay policies, the company reserves the right to change, modify, amend, or terminate them at any time.


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