November 2004 
Volume 03, Issue 7 
Special Features

How well do you know your terms?

Try this test of pay, benefits definitions

The Compensation and Benefits world features a lot of terms and definitions. But just how well do you know your terms? To test your knowledge, take this short quiz. In the boxes at the far right, you'll find the answer to a question. Your job is to provide the question.

Answers—or, technically, the correct questions—are at the bottom of the page. (Also: Unfortunately, no, if you get these right, you won't win the amount stated.) Good luck!


100: What is a Health Care Spending Account?
What are Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other (KSAO) Attributes?
What is the Performance Evaluation (PE) process?
What is the Voluntary Investment Plan (VIP)?
What is a formulary?


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